Here's another informational video that will help you understand the ultimate plan:
The Great Outdoors Initiative. The National Blueways Initiative. Once again our nefarious politicians are crafting innocuous or even cute names for Agenda 21 projects to fleece the majority of Americans.
Tomorrow I'll attend my first quorum court to hear the pros and cons of the White River's designation as a Blueway.
If you live in Missouri or Arkansas, this concerns you. All of you. Because everyone who owns property on the White River watershed will be subject to regulations instated from powers on high, without your consent or input. Please check out Secure Arkansas' posts on this important issue.
Devote just a moment to educating yourself about the Blueways, and at the very least, you'll not be a fan, even if you think Agenda 21 is a right-wing conspiracy theory.
Skip quickly through this first snooze-fest of a video documenting the first designation of the Connecticut River as a Blueway. Pay particular attention to Ken Salazar and "Rock" Salt, the muscle behind this Obama-UN initiative. The self-congratulatory remarks and fawning over then-Secretary of the Interior Salazar make this 23 minutes a waste of your time. But notice what is conspicuously absent: any explanation of why the river necessarily needs "restoration" and why the river needs Blueway designation to be a "job creator." How many times within 23 minutes is Obama cited and praised?
Now spend a little more time watching this short video. Its soothing soundtrack and footage of urban children kayaking a river is syrupy sweet propaganda.
Think for a moment about two key quotes from Matthew Rice of American Rivers:
1. "You know, just like hiking trails are ways to help people explore the land, Blueways are water trails [that] help people discover rivers."
Discover rivers? Private property has already been carved up and paved for public access in the form of walking trails in Northwest Arkansas. What are we to expect will happen to make the White River a "water trail"? The public can already canoe or float down such waterways as the White River, Buffalo River, and Mulberry River. Increasing foot traffic on riverside trails and on the rivers will not make kayaking or canoeing more enjoyable; in fact most people complain the rivers are already too crowded.
2. "Lots of folks have rivers that go right through their backyard....virtually everybody lives within half a mile of a river. You know, so the opportunities for these types of projects are endless."
I believe he literally means YOUR BACKYARD may be used as a trail and access point to water. What "types of projects" is he referring to? The video shows trails, water access, and free kayak lessons for urban children. You should fully expect that if you own property next to a designated Blueway river, the public will have access to your yard.
American Rivers posted these videos to obfuscate the real objective: restoration. The USDA has already seized private farmland for "afforestation" of the Arkansas Bottomlands ( It's a dry article but here's the essential passage:
"The benefits of
restoration are usually identified in terms of government priorities or social
benefits; seldom are the diverse objectives of landowners recognized. In most market economies where rights and
obligations of ownership rest with private landowners, what is appropriate for
public land may not be the most attractive restoration option for private
landowners. Nevertheless, there can be
considerable overlap in the expected benefits to society and the affected
How might the "affected landowner," stripped of his property rights, find government takeover of his farmland beneficial? Wait for it...
"Other income can be realized by some landowners from hunting leases and
potentially from carbon sequestration payments." Yes, by leasing land to the public for hunting on their property, and by getting involved in the super-hip carbon credit trade, landowners can expect record profits that will mollify their disappointment over losing land that has been passed down for generations.
Now are you interested? If you find this as fascinating as the IRS scandal, don't miss this video from America's Voice Now.
If you're a praying Christian, please pray that tomorrow Arkansas will begin the pushback against this unconstitutional initiative that was speedily instated without much ado.
Thank God this was overturned in this area...lots more work to do to fight all the Agenda 21 evil that is spreading across this country like a wilfire! So many people don't know what it is or that it is a danger. I have a current events blog if you want to check it out. I just added yours to my sidebar. I would like to pin this article but can't find a way to pin it. Could you add a Pin This button to your articles. If you want to see what I have on Pinterest, please look me up--Marie Carmean. Thanks again for a GREAT post!