Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Rotten Corps of Common Core Advocates

The controversy of Common Core should itself make teachers very skeptical. The fact that its advocates are pushing to convince us CC is being unfairly attacked by right-wing nut jobs is a red flag. I came across this gem on SAS voices. The author, Caroline McCullen, distinguished educator and CC apologist, attempts to dispel seven common myths about the maligned curriculum. To do this, she blatantly lies.
Since my comment is still awaiting moderation, and I don't expect its being approved, I'll post my replies here.

This "distinguished corps of advocates" is either purposely deceitful or unconscionably stupid.
1. They are national standards. Playing word games to mollify our justifiable fears about a federal takeover of state rights will not work for those of us who can think for ourselves.
2. CCSSO and NGA are trade organizations who deliberately chose the words "state" and "governors" for their titles to allay fears so we teachers would assume CC was state and educator initiated--which CC was not.
3. Scoring for Race to the Top was artificially skewed so that states who signed up first to accept standards THAT HAD NOT YET BEEN WRITTEN and agreed to share personal data about students in a nationally accessible database would be given much higher scores than other states. Money talks.
4. ELA educator, Dr. Sandra Stotsky of the University of Arkansas asked repeatedly for research evidence supporting the CC ELA standards. She was ignored, as was her refusal to approve the standards. Who are the teachers that were involved in this process? Who selected them, and how were they vetted?
5. CC math standards are NOT internationally benchmarked. Dr. James Milgram, "the only content expert on the validation committee" heartily argues against these standards.
6. By high school, students will read 70% non-fiction; exemplary texts include the thrilling classic "Recommended Levels of Insulation" by best-selling authors at the US EPA.
7. Our states have the Constitutional prerogative to write their educational standards. Why should we bow to trade organizations, Bill Gates, and the US Dept of Ed?
Teachers like me have become increasingly keen to deceivers like you and your ilk. I refuse to swallow the swill you are dispensing. I won't drink the Kool-Aid.

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